Hey, I’m Virginia...
Just a lame girl, totally obsessed with all things dark and edgy

But here's the deal: I'm helping misfits like you grow your biz, so you can escape the 9-5 grind once and for all. I'll dive deep into your brand's soul, infuse it with that dark vibe, and create stunning branding that screams your uniqueness.

Black and white portrait photo of Virginia smiling and looking at the camera

Alright, let's dive into why you need me

You're all about that dark aesthetic branding, and let me tell you, I've got the expertise you're craving. I've worked with businesses just like yours, so I know the drill.

I get you and understand your struggles. You've got amazing ideas, but you're stuck on where to begin. You've got a hunch about your target audience, but you need someone who knows how to grab their attention and make them fall head over heels for your brand.

But don't fret! I'm here to swoop in and save the day. Handing those tasks over to me is like winning the lottery of productivity. I'm not just some random person throwing things together. Oh no, I bring a whole arsenal of extensive knowledge in branding, brand strategy, and more. Together, we'll ignite your audience's passion and drive them to love you.

So, let's team up and create a brand that radiates that dark aesthetic allure. Consider me your branding superhero, ready to take over everything and bring your vision to life.

I'm like you, ain't I?

Dive into the glossary below and uncover all the details about me.

A is for Aesthetic

The word you add to the end of your search query to take your Pinterest results from a 5 to a 10.And also what we do here in Tarantula Studio: I like to say we find *YourBrand Aesthetic* The way I see branding, it’s a lot more than pretty colors and logos, it’s about creating a whole mood for a brand. A whole lil universe with its own concept, story, and visuals to match. I LOVE it, it's SO fun.

B is for Black wedding dress

Just LOOK AT IT. I’m still speechless.

C is for Cradle of Filth

The first metal band I ever listened to and the one that started this whole thing. Believe it or not, I used to be an extremely devout christian going to a Catholic school and wearing pink jumpsuits (yes, just like Regina George). And then someone sent me a link to one of their music videos, at I was sold. Oh, btw I was 12. They like invented me, you know what I mean?

D is for Dropping out of design school

Dropping out of design school after 2 years, then trying a different uni and dropping out again after 2 weeks. Top 5 best life decisions I’ve made. Truly.

E is for Earthborn Evolution

This was the song I RAN down the aisle to. Climbing up the stairs, tripping over the biggest dress I’ve ever worn. Why you ask? Because the dj MESSED UP and started playing the song about 30 seconds sooner than he was supposed to, and I knew I had about 15 seconds to get to the wedding arch before the guttural vocals started at 1:20 in front of a crowd full of people for whom the black dress would be shocking enough.

I did not make it in time, and the videographer wanted my head on a stick because my “walk down the aisle” gave him about 3.5 seconds of footage to work with.

F is for Foil

One of my favorite special finishes for print! Pair it with some Soft-touch or Matte lamination and you just made your print 200% more beautiful.If you don’t want foil on your print collaterals, don’t hire us (kidding, but I will definitely suggest it to you, along with a few more precious printing tips 🤓)

G is for Grids – Or rather, no grids on our logos.

Eyeball that shit. We’re designing for humans. One of the first things I learnt about design is that sometimes what is mathematically aligned doesn’t look like it, and your eyes are more trustworthy than grids, rulers, and numbers combined. So unless you plan to present your logo (or whatever design for that matter) to your audience with a grid around it, you should listen to that internal voice saying “it looks a lil lopsided”, and break the grid.

H is for H.P Lovecraft

aka one of my favorite writers of all time and one of the creators I feel have shaped me into who I am as an artist. I’m talking ancient madness-inducing mysteries and unknown horrors from outer space that gets the blood rushing through your veins.

Fav stories: The Whisperer in Darkness, Dreams in the Witch House, Medusa’s Coil, The Shadow over Innsmouth, The Color Out of Space, and The Beast in the Cave. 10/10

I is for Italy

Because I can think of few things better than pistachio cannoli for breakfast and exploring the Vatican for lunch.

That’s also where I got engaged, so yeah, there’s that cherry on top.

J is for Jesus Christ I hate making reels

K is for Kill me if you ever catch me enjoying reels

Or making a TikTok account.
Or spending less than 2 hours choosing fonts.
Or less than 1 deciding between two colors that look 99% identical.

L is for Lovely wedding stationery

I happened to design my own wedding stationery and also happened to post a tour of it, if you're curious.

M is for My fav show was Courage the Cowardly Dog

And I find it really curious how looking back I was always attracted to dark, mysterious, strange and creepy stuff. Even as a child, that was always my jam.

I think the 6 year old Virginia would be proud of what we ended up doing as a job.

N is for the Netherlands – Where the Tarantula Studio HQ is located :)

But don’t worry, we work with peeps from all over the world. If you like the stuff we create and are a bit of a weirdo yourself, welcome. All of this is for you.

O is for Old Ones - See letter H

P is for Print not being dead

I see some people trying to push the idea that print is dead and everything needs to be digital and we gotta buy those ugly ass digital business cards with QR codes and… uh, no.Heretics. Wrongdoers. Criminals. All of them.I will gladly die on this hill.

R is for ”ReD iS tHe CoLor Of LoVe”

and how much money I’d have if every time I saw someone spreading this superficial view on color psychology I got a penny. You can read about my slightly controversial view (for some reason) about color psychology here.

S is for Strategyyyy

I like to make things pretty, but when we’re talking about brands, we have to understand a brand is a communication tool. One we use to get your dream clients to choose you over that slightly cheaper competitor. But for that to work, your brand needs to have strategy behind it. Otherwise, it becomes a pretty portfolio piece at best, and at worst, something that’s actively working against your business.

Lucky to you, all our branding packages have some level of strategy within them, and you get to choose how much of it you want. See our packages here.

T is for The middle of fucking nowhere

Where I was born. A teeny tiny town in borderline rural Brazil. I lived in a house right in front of a crossroads, and my mother used to say this was the house werewolves would attack. I was scared to death of werewolves but at the same time I loved it.

Fun fact: I know three people who live there that SWEAR on their life that they saw a werewolf. Two of them said they saw it in the same neighborhood, and none of them know each other.

U is for Unlikely combinations that work

Like a Brow studio and Catholic aesthetics.

V is for Velvet Myst

Sure, I could use this letter for my own name, but I might as well put the spotlight on one of everybody’s favorite projects 🤓 You can see for yourself what the fuss is all about by visiting it’s case study page here.

W is for Work Life balance

or lack of it. I promised myself I wouldn't work during my wedding, but guess what :)

X is for Xavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffx

Y is for You also feeling a connection?

If you’ve gotten this far into my lil alphabet thingy, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say we have a lot in common. Which makes me VERY interested in working with you (I’ve found out working with like-minded people yields great results as we have a much easier time understanding each other and seeing the same vision than if we were to work with random Joes). So if you’re ready to team up with someone who will finally get you, why don’t you start by telling me about your business?

Can’t wait to meet you ❤️

Z is for Zero tattoos

Even though I wanted my first by the time I was 12. The reason is that I’m indecisive af and usually have a design in mind for about 2-4 years until… I change my mind. And they’re usually pretty big pieces, so I’ve decided the safe move is to not get any. This has saved me from some LAME tattoos that I once thought were a great idea, so I think I’m gonna keep living by this rule.

I wonder if by the time I update this website I’m gonna have to change this letter…

My mission is to help brands create mind-blowing branding that resonates with you and makes you damn proud

The picture shows Virginia reading a bookThe picture shows Virginia reading a bookThe picture shows Virginia reading a book

First, I look inside...

I totally get how crucial it is to get your vision. Trust me, I'll be there with you every frickin' step of the way, making decisions together and bringing your wildest dreams to life.

We're two peas in a pod because I'm just as obsessed with all things dark and moody as you are. Don't even stress about asking me anything – no detail is too small, no question is too silly. I'm here to make it all freakin' awesome.

Finding a designer who gets your dark and moody vibe can be a real pain. But let me tell you, right here, right now, you'll be understood, valued, and appreciated like never before. Together, we'll create a brand that's tailor-made to your unique style. Let's dive in and make some magic happen!

How we can help you

Some of the brands that have been through Tarantula Studio

"The whole experience was amazing. We were on the same page about everything.

It was like you could see what I wanted even though I had no idea. You took my often scattered thoughts and ideas, laser-focused on the core of my designs/brand, and created something beautiful."

Ellen – Conjuring Obscurity

It's about time you ditched those endless hours scrolling through Pinterest for inspo and started rockin' the brand you truly deserve, am I right?

trust fall in my arms baby
A portrait of Virginia wearing glasses and looking upA portrait of Virginia wearing glasses and looking upA portrait of Virginia wearing glasses and looking upA portrait of Virginia wearing glasses and looking up